Although it isn’t required by law, you may be required by your finance company to carry both comprehensive and collision auto insurance. They are both insurance types that cover the costs of damages to your care but cover different causes. Know which types of damages each cover so you can get more complete coverage.
Comprehensive vs. Collision Insurance
Comprehensive insurance covers damages to your vehicle that aren’t a result of a collision with another car or objects. This type of insurance will cover a wide variety of situations that cause damages to your vehicles such as animals and storm damage. In addition, this type of coverage can protect you from theft and fire risks. Collision insurance will cover you from hitting a stationary object or even damage to your car as a result of faulty roads and similar situations.
Deciding Which Coverage Works For You
You may not be required to carry these types of coverage, but working with your insurance agent will give you a better picture of the level of protection you need to prevent losses. Outlining your needs and finding the policies that give you high-quality coverage should be the agent’s priority. If you want excellent customer service and a wide range of option for your auto insurance, call Nieroda Insurance Agency if you live in or around the Saint Charles, MO area. Their agents will help you discover what your individual needs are and help you obtain the right type of custom policy to protect you around the clock.
Residents living near the Saint Charles MO area should call or stop by Nierod Insurance Agency to speak with an experienced agent to find out more about a personalized auto insurance plan. Get more out of your auto insurance with the help of their professional insurance agents.