Everyone should have some type of home insurance. Mortgage lenders require borrowers to carry at least enough to repay the loan. In truth, though, smart homeowners insure their properties for the full value and then some. Condo owners and renters buy policies tailored to cover personal property. Even for those that own little, liability insurance could very well come in handy in the event of a mishap in or away from the home.
At Nieroda Insurance Agency in Saint Charles, MO, our extensive network of insurers allows us to provide tailored solutions for homeowners, condo owners, renters, and individuals.
We work with Missouri insurers who understand the suffering caused by damage to, or loss of, a home and personal property. Many of our affiliates guarantee repairs; have twenty-four-hour claims hotlines, and even pay living expenses when needed. Most offer burglar alarm, new home, and multi-policy discounts, too.
While condo owners and renters don't have property damage worries, they do need to consider the potential loss of personal belongings. Losing appliances, clothing, furniture, or other valuable possessions could spell financial devastation for many. Coverage even extends to loss or damage incurred outside the home.
With the never-ending rise in personal lawsuits and record jury awards, every Missouri resident should consider some level of personal liability insurance. Personal liability coverage protects against non-auto and non-business bodily injury or property damage lawsuits. Most personal liability policies will even cover legal fees, up to the amount of the policy.
So, give us a call, stop by our office in Saint Charles, MO, or try our online rating tool from the convenience of your home. Our dedicated and knowledgeable agents pride themselves on friendly and professional service. At Nieroda Insurance Agency, we're more than just a business. We're your Saint Charles neighbors and friends.