One very important thing to understand when renting is that your belongings are your responsibility. While the owner of the building will have the property insured, this will not cover your possessions. Your landlord will have his possessions covered and you should too.
A common misconception in Missouri is to think that you don't need renters’ insurance. The average person might assume that their belongings aren't worth much. There are two big mistakes here.
The first is that you might be basing this on the fact that you don't own anything expensive but overlooking the total value of what you've accumulated over the years.
The second is overlooking the resale value of your belongings with the cost to replace them. For instance, your couch and laptop might be old, and you might not get more than a couple of hundred dollars if you were to sell them. Should you need to buy a new couch and laptop, you're now looking at easily a $1,000 + purchase.
If you consider what you could lose in a fire or theft‐ your furniture, laptop, TV, jewelry, clothes- you can easily start to see how the cost of replacing all of your belongings can climb rapidly.
Most renters in Saint Charles, MO are not aware of just how affordable renters insurance clearly is and therefore never look into it.
If you take the time to call or visit the Nieroda Insurance Agency, they'll go over all of the options available to you. A rider is an add-on that you can purchase to cover specialty items like collectibles, jewelry, and firearms. Ask an agent for full details on this.
There are also situations that can arise that don't involve having to replace your belongings. If for some reason you have to leave your apartment, renters’ insurance in Missouri can help with unexpected expenses such as meals and a hotel in the interim. Speak with an agent at Nieroda Insurance Agency for a full explanation of when this coverage will take effect.
While these were some very strong examples of the benefits of renters insurance, they certainly are not all. What you should hopefully have gained from reading this is that renters insurance is extremely affordable and there is a great chance you will benefit from having it.
Call or visit Nieroda Insurance Agency in Saint Charles, MO today to get a full rundown of what coverage will work for you and protect your belongings.