Warehouse and Logistics Insurance – What to Consider as A New Business Owner

Suppose you are a new business owner responsible for warehouse and logistics processes. In that case, it’s important to understand how insurance coverage can protect your business premises and the essentials needed to operate it.

Warehouse Essentials

Warehouse essentials include the physical building you own and operate and the equipment and inventory stored inside. Warehouse insurance protects your business premises against criminal activity. It also covers automated and non-automated equipment and inventory stored within your facility.

Insurance coverage can be customized. If inclement weather damages your warehouse or the items stored within, you can acquire insurance coverage covering the repair or replacement cost.


Logistics refers to all the processes necessary to transport inventory from one location to another. Logistics insurance covers equipment and inventory during transportation. This type of insurance may also cover logistics equipment and inventory while it is stored.

If your warehouse relies on a staging area, ensuring the items stored there could be beneficial. This type of insurance protects against damage, theft, and criminal activity.

An Assessment

Conduct an assessment of your warehouse. This crucial step will help you determine how much insurance coverage to obtain and reveal any issues that could potentially require more coverage. For instance, if warehousing equipment is stored in an area easily broken into, you may add more insurance protection.

Contact An Agent Who Serves Saint Charles, MO

Contact one of our representatives at Nieroda Insurance Agency. They will prepare your insurance documents for you.